
A private mirror of some gaming mods, since Nexusmods’ rules and ToS have changed. For the worse. All existing game assets remain the property of their publishers and yada yada. We’re only doing this for fun. #ForeverFree.

About: indy

Bio: 2D artist, writer, I like doing artsy stuff. Can't stop won't stop.

Indy’s Bloody V

This modifies skin texture 01 to give V a bloodied appearance. There’s no mesh editing involved, so it might look somewhat flat from certain angles. Available for both Fem and Masc V. To install, simply drop the mod in your mod folder. Thanks to Roe for providing her ever handsome V for the pics <3… read more »

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Indy’s Shaved Sides

Alternative shaved hair designs for hair 01 in both Masc and Femme and Rogue’s hair (both 2023 and 2077). To install, simply drop the .archive in your mods folder. Thank you Roelani, Vareos, aDwarfLegion and Avallonkao on the discord modding server for the gorgeous picture of her V to show off the tattoo, and Mrs…. read more »

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Indy’s Subtle Face Tattoos

This replaces some of the facial tattoos with subtler face tattoos, both for femme and masc. Please refer to each file to know which one it replaces. To install, simply drop the .archive in your mods folder. Thank you Gorefiend on the discord modding server for the gorgeous picture of her V to show off… read more »

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Indy’s Bitchin’ Tattoos

This replaces body tattoo 05 with some witchy tattoos. Works for both femenine V and masculine V. Something to note: In the pictures appears a poison bottle that I later decided to remove, so it’s not in the actual mod. Otherwise the tattos are the same. To install, simply drop the .archive in your mods… read more »

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Indy’s Netrunner Tattoo

This replaces body tattoo 02 and face tattoo 08 in cc with a cool netrunner tattoo. Works for both femenine V and masculine V. To install, simply drop the .archive in your mods folder. Thank you Roelani, Avallonkao and aDwarfLegion on the discord modding server for the gorgeous picture of their Vs to show off… read more »

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Indy’s eGirl Heart Tattoo

This replaces face tattoo 11 with a cute heart on the cheek. Works for both femenine V and masculine V. To install, simply drop the .archive in your mods folder. Thank you Avallonkao on the discord modding server for the gorgeous picture of her V to show off the tattoo, and Mrs. T for their… read more »

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Indy’s Assorted Hair Colours

Some alternate hair colours for your V, femme or masc. Replaces the hair colour swatch you choose with one of the colours depicted here. The shaved colours will remain vanilla, it’s not something I know how to fix. Some shaved colours look better than others. To install, choose one hair colour number (1-24, please refer… read more »

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