Indy’s Bloody V

Posted by filed under Mods

This modifies skin texture 01 to give V a bloodied appearance. There’s no mesh editing involved, so it might look somewhat flat from certain angles. Available for both Fem and Masc V.

To install, simply drop the mod in your mod folder.

Thanks to Roe for providing her ever handsome V for the pics <3

DISCLAIMER: I never make pictures of my own mods because there’s wonderfully talented people at discord that are kind enough to make them for me. This means I’ve no idea what presets or mods are being used in the pictures, other than my own. If you really wanna know, join the discord and ask!

Other mod’s I’ve done:

Indy’s eGirl Heart Tattoo
Indy’s Netrunner Tattoo
Indy’s Assorted Hair Colours
Indy’s Bitchin’ Tattoos
Indy’s Shaved Sides
Indy’s Subtle Face Tattoos

Bloodied V Fem

  • Date uploaded
    Saturday, October 23 2021
  • File size
    11.92 MB

Modifies skin texture 01 for fem V.


Bloodied V Masc

  • Date uploaded
    Saturday, October 23 2021
  • File size
    16.89 MB

Modifies skin texture 01 for masc V.


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