I gave in…

I bought Cultured Code’s Things. The new update has refreshed my confidence in the company and the app itself has become so ingrained in my daily routine it’s becoming hard to remember how I managed before. With its accompanying iPhone app, I can lug around my notes and todos without worrying about cloud sync and… read more »

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Wow, just… wow.

Love this picture. Don’t know why. Also, your soul needs to read this. Go on, it’s good for you.


Bye bye IE6!

Hope none of you are using it, because I’ve just added a bit of conditional comment magic to my header that makes Internet Explorer users who are browsing with versions older than 6.0 totally crash. I’ve just spent an afternoon of work coding a website in spunky, clean XHTML & CSS 3 and the whole… read more »

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Testing remote publishing

Well. So far so good. This should help with the updating. Unfortunately, it’s slow as hell. We’ll see if I ever manage to gain some dexterity. Wonder if I can post links to piccy drafts from this thing?

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