A whole truckload of random wallpapers

(Yes, I’ve made a Sriracha wallpaper. We should all have one.) Here then is a bunch of large wallpapers for your use. Most of them made to try and make my work area a little geekier and less serious. Only one resolution available for now, as in, mostly huge (2560 X 1440), but I might come back… read more »

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Assassin’s Creed 2 organizational wallpaper

I was bored, and, upon visiting the July archive of Smashing Magazine’s wallpaper offerings section, I found a nice organizational wallpaper called Room, which hit home for me. I love my icons, I adore my desktop, and I realized here was a nice way to keep them both happy. Icons and files have a way… read more »

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Pyramid head…

Pyramid head has been making my life damned gory these days. This lovely wallpaper brought to you by the number 13 and the letter DEATH. Have fun!

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