A whole truckload of random wallpapers

(Yes, I’ve made a Sriracha wallpaper. We should all have one.) Here then is a bunch of large wallpapers for your use. Most of them made to try and make my work area a little geekier and less serious. Only one resolution available for now, as in, mostly huge (2560 X 1440), but I might come back… read more »

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Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2: Great, big, awesome posters

I couldn’t resist; there are so many lovely hi-res images out there of both of our favorite assassins, it was simply too easy to mock up two gi-normous posters featuring Altaïr and Ezio. These aren’t printed yet, and I’ll post an update to show you what they look like in my, ahem, boudoir, which is… read more »

Bitch, whine, moan.

Something wrong with the project structure at work. No nitpicking here. With Doum gone and everything else shot to hell, we can’t afford production delays and mistakes simply on account of having several people not quite at ease and happy with their roles. There ain’t no such thing as the perfect job. There are a… read more »

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