Things 1.3.6 up in the App Store

The new version is working well for me, and syncs flawlessly with the desktop version of Things 1.1.2 The new version of Things iPhone now allows you to choose what to display on the icon badge. It does not, as far as I can tell, alow you to edit Project due dates directly; this still… read more »

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Storymill 3.2.2 and CC’s Things gets an update

I had Storymill sitting on my hard drive for the longest time and have only recentely started using it properly, the reason being, I couldn’t figure out how to keep notes and things relating to characters and whatnot. I first started using writing software with Storyist, which was easier on the eyes and came with… read more »


SF convention in montreal

HA! I am so going to meet Neil Gaiman there. Watch me gloat. Also, unrelatedly, I am looking for a wine tasting app for Mac OS X which includes iSight support for adding label images. Seems the wine app list is pretty thin. If anyone has any idea, feel free to mail me with your… read more »

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Testing macjournal

What the hell is a topic anyway, and will it insert itself in the title field? Questions, questions.

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