
  • Testing out the new toy…

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    … And its supposedly appaling camera. So far it’s really not as bad as I’d feared. Posting some wolfdog pics for your bored amusement.


  • Oh my god

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    I am so hopeless. Blah.

  • Pyramid head…

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    Pyramid head has been making my life damned gory these days. This lovely wallpaper brought to you by the number 13 and the letter DEATH. Have fun!

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  • The corporate world strikes again…

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    Well. Conflicts of fucking interest aside, I still loathe my job. The only good thing about yesterday was me performing open-box surgery on two old compaq towers and the only good thing about today is that it’s already 1:30pm and I can see the light at the end of this bloody long and dark tunnel…. read more »

  • Dolphin slaughter in Taiji…

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    … makes Sundance film festival waves. Go and help. I thought crap like this didn’t happen anymore. I was wrong. This sucks.

  • SF convention in montreal

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    HA! I am so going to meet Neil Gaiman there. Watch me gloat. Also, unrelatedly, I am looking for a wine tasting app for Mac OS X which includes iSight support for adding label images. Seems the wine app list is pretty thin. If anyone has any idea, feel free to mail me with your… read more »

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  • It’s wednesday and I totally forgot…

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    … to thaw out a rat for my Cécile. Shucks. One hungry ball python and one awful weekday later. Blah. There isn’t much newness to report except for the fact that my puppy-love with twitter is safely over; it just eats up way too much of your free time. I instead intend to use MacJournal… read more »

  • Twittering…

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    Just discovered it, and does it ever make blogging seem like a chore. The interface and ease of use is nothing short of sinful. You may all follow me if you like. I still love this place though.

  • Prince of Persia wallpaper

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    Slightly adapted from the official artwork, where we see entirely too much of Elika for my taste. Love the character to death of course, you can never have enough strong female leads. But, really, hello biceps. P.S. I realize I’ve been neglecting this blog. There’s been PoP, the new puter, the family gatherings, and the… read more »

  • FFVII – Crisis Core wallp

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    Or as official as I could make ’em in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you photoshop for this neverending supply of fun. Meep.

  • Blue…

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    I can’t think of any particular reason why I’m feeling so bloody low today… It’s Friday, there are only a few weeks left before the winter holidays, the new back door is installed, it’s snowing… The list of cool things seems pretty long, really. Maybe I’m just tired. Also, it’s damned difficult to be witty… read more »


  • F*ck it…

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    The laptop died. The boy wants XP back on the desktop upstairs. This is my easy, lazy, extremely pleasing solution. It’s miiine! MINE I tells you! Mweehehe.