Changes, mucho
| Random | no commentsNew sketched section, new written section. Not much in either. Hopefully the written section will fluff itself up with time. I haven’t got much hope for the doodlin’, but I can still try, dangit.
Slight changes…
| Random | no commentsI’ve decided to scrap the root of wordinprogress.com, since the task of dealing with two different admin tools (joomla and wordpress) is actually keeping me from updating the main page, which is lying dormant on my poor lonely root. I’ll simply add the writings and sketch pages in here instead. I’ll work on this this… read more »
| Random | one comment… by Doum’s (sorry, I just can’t leave out that ‘u’ there..) idea of a book club, I’ve decided to give this a spin. However, the series of novels I’m currently devouring, I already know by heart and have read several times. I don’t know, but I think the idea of a book club is… read more »
Cirque again…
| Random | no commentsHeading on over to the colisee later tonight to see the Quebec 400th cirque du soleil show. Hopefully I’ll manage to get out of work a little early to get there on time. I’d like to see the big boss try and stop me.
Bitch, whine, moan.
| Random | one commentSomething wrong with the project structure at work. No nitpicking here. With Doum gone and everything else shot to hell, we can’t afford production delays and mistakes simply on account of having several people not quite at ease and happy with their roles. There ain’t no such thing as the perfect job. There are a… read more »
| Random | 2 commentsDefinite lack of energy being the main problem here. I haven’t even opened any of my files at home. I have one fanfic sitting unfinished and unpolished on my hard drive and one entire novel swirling around in my head. That one’s been there for months. I’m starting to feel like it’s moved in on… read more »
Long weekend on the horizon
| Random | no commentsAlthough the head has gone and promised us a four-day weekend, I doubt we can afford the luxury. There are so many projects started I barely know where to begin. Dany is definitely starting to crack on us and it’s making even Jo nervous. If Dany goes, we lose the only person who has both… read more »
Design kills
| Random | one commentPerhaps I’m just not cut out for this job. Perhaps I’m just being a whiny, self-centered bitch. P’rhaps I’m crazy.. … But this job is hell. Anyone else feels like an ulcer, heart attack and early retirement?
Feeling blue…
| Random | no commentsThis is by way of being doum’s last day with us at the agency. Feels weird to think he won’t be there anymore; he was already a staple when I arrived some two years back. We promised to keep in touch, although everyone knows how such intentions usually turn out. You’d think, what with all… read more »
SciAm & long car drives rock my world.
| Random | no commentsThe big bounce and general quantum gravity theories have been keeping me company on the drive over to RDL tonight. Might just be because I’m dumb but it usually takes me some time to fully absorb all that quantum. Makes for fun reflexion at night on the road, though. All I can see out through… read more »
| Random | no comments…yet another bloody blog. This one is little more than an excuse to use the new pod touch. Rockbox can only take you so far. … I’m such a sell-out. You have my complete permission to mock me.