• Long weekend on the horizon

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    Although the head has gone and promised us a four-day weekend, I doubt we can afford the luxury. There are so many projects started I barely know where to begin. Dany is definitely starting to crack on us and it’s making even Jo nervous. If Dany goes, we lose the only person who has both… read more »


  • Design kills

    | Random | one comment

    Perhaps I’m just not cut out for this job. Perhaps I’m just being a whiny, self-centered bitch. P’rhaps I’m crazy.. … But this job is hell. Anyone else feels like an ulcer, heart attack and early retirement?


  • Feeling blue…

    | Random | no comments

    This is by way of being doum’s last day with us at the agency. Feels weird to think he won’t be there anymore; he was already a staple when I arrived some two years back. We promised to keep in touch, although everyone knows how such intentions usually turn out. You’d think, what with all… read more »

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  • SciAm & long car drives rock my world.

    | Random | no comments

    The big bounce and general quantum gravity theories have been keeping me company on the drive over to RDL tonight. Might just be because I’m dumb but it usually takes me some time to fully absorb all that quantum. Makes for fun reflexion at night on the road, though. All I can see out through… read more »


  • Testing remote publishing

    | Technology | one comment

    Well. So far so good. This should help with the updating. Unfortunately, it’s slow as hell. We’ll see if I ever manage to gain some dexterity. Wonder if I can post links to piccy drafts from this thing?


  • Inaugurating…

    | Random | no comments

    …yet another bloody blog. This one is little more than an excuse to use the new pod touch. Rockbox can only take you so far. … I’m such a sell-out. You have my complete permission to mock me.
