Bitch, whine, moan.

Posted by filed under Random

Something wrong with the project structure at work. No nitpicking here. With Doum gone and everything else shot to hell, we can’t afford production delays and mistakes simply on account of having several people not quite at ease and happy with their roles.

There ain’t no such thing as the perfect job. There are a few people who do well to suck it up and get used to it. The job itself is chaotic enough without having to worry about the production manager going over my shit because he thought it would look better just so.

What the hell.

I’m sure it’ll smooth itself over eventually, but in the meantime, with the current workload and everyone’s nerves raw and easily irritated, it’s fucking hell over there.

I think it’s been weeks since I woke up happy and contented on a weekday. I simply don’t want to go to work at all. And that, to me, is a problem. And also a bit of hypocritical contradiction.

Yay for selective criticism.


  1. Dom says:

    Missing something positive on this blog… Let me see. . . . . Oh! Do you know what’s funny? Potatoes!

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