The Eagle and the Wren – Author’s Notes

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The author has no legal right over the characters described in this work of fanfiction and makes no money from it whatsoever. I’m just having fun.

Due to the fact that one of the two works used as reference in this fanfiction is apparently obscure and unknown, some explanation and basic setting are needed.

This will be an AU fiction, based mostly in the world of Assassin’s Creed, where characters from GGK’s Lions of Al-Rassan travel to the middle east and meet up with our friendly assassins. I took some liberties with Mr. Kay’s characters, his settings, the way he described his people and the actual timeline, because most of it was vague enough to allow me to get away with it. In Kay’s novel, the names of the major religions are changed, and although I understand his reasons for doing so, I switched them back for the sake of simplicity. For those of you familiar with the novel; Jaddites are Christians, Kindath are Jews and Asharites are Muslims. GGK’s book takes place in Moorish Spain roughly around the time of Assassin’s Creed, give or take a few hundred years.

I can only ask forgiveness of Guy Gavriel Kay for abusing his characters such, but I thought that a brief trip to the middle east might explain some of Jehane’s later behavior and sturdiness and Altaïr’s lack of morals and patience at the beginning of the game.

With a bit of research, I even found a convincing historical character to take Jehane south and east.

I just had to do it. :)


  1. Dom says:

    I’m sure GGK will be there this week-end… You should directly ask him if it not bothers him, what do you think? Maybe he will be happy to leave you the rights for those characters just because he likes your idea ; )

    Just a suggestion like this… I read The Eagle and the Wren twice and like it a lot. Print it… Probably GGK would be happy to receive it as a gift from a real fan.

    Just a suggestion.

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